

Through a mapping of the different WBL systems, a WBL Observatory (Interactive Open sources Platform) will be created, for gathering existing tools for trainers/teachers in the sector as handbooks, videos, checklists, and for enabling to exchange good practices, tools and material.

Secondly, and with the purpose to better professionalize the sector and to increase the effectiveness of the WBL painting training, a new profile, the WBL Developer, managed by the National associations, will represent the pillar of the cooperation among professional associations, VET providers and companies supporting them in the WBL process. This new qualified person will help to detect the training needs of the SMEs and to provide last innovative technics from the manufacturers and training tools. His crucial role will be to facilitate the relation between the companies and the vocational schools, the promotion of the image of the profession so to increase the recruitment of young qualified painters.

WBL Observatory Platform

The In Paint Platform is the first European Open Access Portal entirely dedicated to the Painting and Decorating Sector. This collaborative and interactive concept aims at gathering all the existing and useful tools and resources for the Painting and Decorating Stakeholders, directly involving the users to share knowledge, training, innovation and skills, in an evolving process for creating best practices and fostering inspiration.

Mapping the situation of teachers and trainers WBL training, the good practices and the training tools

A Report resulting from a mapping both the state of art of the trainers/teachers' training in the 6 EU partner countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, United Kingdom) and good practices and training tools.

WBL Developer

The Work Based Learning Developer profile with the crucial role to facilitate the relation between the companies and the vocational schools, sustaining the promotion of the image of the profession in order to increase the recruitment of young qualified painters.
